This KB entry includes simple sample code for different gateways using the icharge component.
Below are code examples for different gateways supported in the E-Payment Integrator. At the time of this article not all gateways have sample code published here. If you require sample code for a gateway not listed below please contact
- 5th Dimension
- ACH Federal
- ACH Payments
- Adyen
- American Payment Solutions
- Authorize.NET
- Authorize.NET XML
- Barclay
- Bluefin
- BluePay
- BlueSnap
- BrainTree
- CardPointe
- CyberSource
- DataCash
- EFSnet
- eProcessing
- eWay
- ExPay
- Fast Transact
- First Atlantic Commerce
- Global Iris
- GlobalOnePay
- Global Payroll
- GoToBilling
- Heartland
- Innovative
- iTransact
- JetPay
- KartePay
- Landmark
- LinkPoint, YourPay, FirstData
- Litle / Vantiv
- Mercadotecnia, Ideas y Tecnologia (MIT)
- Merchant Anywhere
- Merchant e-Solutions
- Metrobank
- Moneris / Moneris USA
- Monetra
- Converge / MyVirtualMerchant
- Netbanx
- Network Merchants
- Orbital
- Payeezy / First Data E4
- PayFlowLink
- PayFlowPro
- PayLeap
- Payscape
- PayTrace
- Payvision
- PayWiser
- PhoeniXGate
- PlanetPayment iPay
- PlugNPay
- Priority Payment Systems
- ProPay
- PSIGate
- QuickBooks Merchant Services (QBMS)
- QuickBooks Payments
- Repay
- SagePay
- Sage Payment Solutions
- Shift4
- SkipJack
- Sterling
- Square
- Square Payments
- Stripe
- TransNational Bankcard
- USAePay
- Veritas
- Worldpay Online
- WorldPay XML
5th Dimension
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gw5thDimension;
//This is the "mkey"
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 17;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.Country = "840";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "2.00";
ACH Federal
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwACHFederal;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your ten digit NACHA ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "1234567890";
//This is your 16-byte unique identifier token
icharge.MerchantPassword = "TOKEN";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "" + new Random().Next();
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.08";
icharge.Card.Number = "4200000000000000";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 1;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
ACH Payments
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwACHPAyments;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your six digit ID code
icharge.MerchantLogin = "123456";
//This is your merchant password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "PASSWORD";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "" + new Random().Next();
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.08";
icharge.Card.Number = "4200000000000000";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 1;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 12;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "Test";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Customer";
icharge.Customer.FullName = "Test Customer";
icharge.Customer.Address = "2350 Date Palm";
icharge.Customer.City = "Cathedral City";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "92234";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-123-4567";
icharge.Customer.Id = "123456";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwAdyen;
//Both Webservice User and Password are available from Adyen's online management console
//located at: or
//This is the Webservice User.
icharge.MerchantLogin = "User";
//This is the password for your Webservice Username
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
//This must best set to the name of the merchant account
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 10;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "5554321";
American Payment Solutions
Icharge icharge = new Icharge();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwAmericanPaymentSolutions;
icharge.MerchantLogin = "demo";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
// Fill in desired card and customer info.
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 21;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "Testy";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Tester";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
// Alternatively, you can use info saved in the customer
// vault by setting only the customer vault Id, like this:
icharge.Customer.Id = "1234567890";
// Now, do the sale.
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
The code snippet below shows how to work with customer vault records:
Icharge icharge = new Icharge();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwAmericanPaymentSolutions;
icharge.MerchantLogin = "demo";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
// When creating a new customer vault record, start by filling in desired
// card and customer info. Then set APSRequestType to 1 and call Sale().
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 21;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "Testy";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Tester";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Address2 = "Apt 999";
icharge.Customer.City = "Someplace";
icharge.Customer.State = "NC";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
// Print the customer vault Id if it worked.
if (icharge.Response.Approved)
// To query a customer vault record, make sure that the Id is set, set
// APSRequestType to 4, and call Sale(). This will populate the ICharge
// component with the data from the customer vault record.
// (Note that in this case, Customer.Id is already filled since we just
// added a new customer vault record.)
// Note that querying a customer vault record _won't_ return the full
// saved card number, just the expiration date. So while Card.Number
// won't be populated with the number, you can see the partial number
// in a special field called "cc_number".
// Before updating a customer vault record, you should always query
// first. That way, when you send the update request, the existing
// data (that you haven't changed) will be resubmitted. Any data you
// don't resubmit will be cleared on the server when you send the
// update request! (Except for the saved card info, it remains.)
// Since we've already queried, we can go ahead and change a couple
// things, then set APSRequestType to 2, and call Sale().
icharge.Customer.Address2 = "";
icharge.City = "Somewhere";
// Finally, if you'd like to delete a customer vault record, just
// set Customer.Id (again, not necessary here due to how it already
// being set), set APSRequestType to 3, and call Sale().
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwAuthorizeNet;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
icharge.TestMode = true;
//This corresponds to the x_login field and is your API Login ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "cnpdev1047";
//This correspond to the x_tran_key field and is your Transaction Key value
icharge.MerchantPassword = "SsVxS6trU8whvBwz";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
Note: In version previous to version 5 to specify the transaction key you must use the AddSpecialField method to manually add the x_tran_key field. For instance: icharge.AddSpecialField(“x_tran_key”,”SsVxS6trU8whvBwz”);
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwAuthorizeNetXML;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your API Login ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "APILoginID";
//This is your Transaction Key
icharge.MerchantPassword = "TransactionKey";
icharge.Card.Number = "5424000000000015";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 20;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "900";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Sale Test";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "5.00";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "12345";
icharge.TransactionId = "56789";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Doe";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1 Main Street";
icharge.Customer.City = "Pecan Springs";
icharge.Customer.State = "TX";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "44628";
icharge.Customer.Country = "USA";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwBarclay;
//This is the Username for your ePDQ account.
icharge.MerchantLogin = "username";
//This is the Password for your ePDQ account
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
//This gets set to the name of your application (API) user
//Note you must set the CurrencyCode to the type of currency
//that is set on your merchant account. By default, "840" is
//set, which is USD. Most accounts will be "826" for Pounds Sterling.
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 10;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "5554321";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwBASYS;
//This is your UserName
icharge.MerchantLogin = "UserName";
//This is your Password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "Password";
icharge.Card.Number = "4788250000028291";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 18;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "111";
icharge.TestMode = true;
icharge.Customer.FullName = "John Smith";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Main St";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "11111";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "123456";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwBluefin;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your Payconex account identification number
icharge.MerchantLogin = "222333444555";
//This is your secret key (also called API access key)
icharge.MerchantPassword = "aaaa2a2a2a111aa11aaaa111111a1a11";
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.Address = "7305";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "68114";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwBluePay;
//This is the username for your account.
icharge.MerchantLogin = "username";
//This is the password for your username
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 10;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "2.21";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "5554321";
// Note that there are many different valid combinations of request
// fields for BlueSnap beyond the basic sale request shown here. Refer
// to the BlueSnap documentation to determine which ones you need for
// your use-case, and then refer to the appropriate "Gateway Setup and
// Required Properties" page in our E-Payment Integrator documentation
// to see how to specify them in the component.
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwBlueSnap;
//These are the API credentials for your account
icharge.MerchantLogin = "api_username";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "api_password";
icharge.TestMode = true;
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 10;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "123-456-7890";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "2.21";
// BlueSnap requires that you send a letter-based currency code. By
// default this is set to USD, but we'll set it explicitly here for
// the purpose of the example.
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwBrainTree;
//This is the username for your merchant account.
//It is the same username that is used to access BrainTree Virtual Terminal
icharge.MerchantLogin = "username";
//This is the password for your username
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 10;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Lane.";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "77777";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "2.21";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "5554321";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwCardPointe; // Uses test URL by default
icharge.Config("MerchantCode=merchant id");
icharge.MerchantLogin = "testing";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "testing123";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 21;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "10.00";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwCyberSource;
//Test URL
= "";
//This is your username
icharge.MerchantLogin = "bofa_demo3660";
//This is your transaction key generated from your merchant account online.
//Be sure to generate this for the SOAP API, not the Simple Order API.
icharge.MerchantPassword = "KwXnnvdv5kVH3p...uCqCtKyEElkeSycp1FCit7fQ==";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Doe";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "408-556-9100";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1295 Charleston Rd.";
icharge.Customer.City = "Mountain View";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "94043-1307";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 20;
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "12";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "4.59";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwDataCash;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your client
icharge.MerchantLogin = "client";
//This is your password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
icharge.Card.Number = "1000380000000012";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 1;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2014;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwEFSNet;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your Store ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "storeid";
//This is your Store KEY
icharge.MerchantPassword = "A0FE3...C826C4C";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 12;
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwEprocessing;
//This is your eProcessingNetwork account number.
//For testing you may use the value 05971
icharge.MerchantLogin = "05971";
//MerchantPassword is not used
icharge.MerchantPassword = "";
//In Production you may be required to specify a RestrictKey.
//This can be done with the following code:
//icharge.AddSpecialField("RestrictKey", "YourRestrictKey"
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 11;
icharge.Card.Number = "05971";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
Note: The component communicates with e-processing using the Transparent Database Engine.
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwEway;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your eWay Customer ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "87654321";
//MerchantPassword is not used
icharge.MerchantPassword = "";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 12;
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
icharge.TransactionId = "12345";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
The ExPay gateway supports 3 transaction types.
- ExPayGetMethods – retrieves a list of available payment methods
- AuthOnly – initializes a payment
- ExPayGetStatus – checks the status of a transaction
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwExPay;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your Payee Id Key
icharge.MerchantLogin = "1f3fa99a-15e3-4284-b498-d1eb1c3c2222";
//This is your Payee Secret Key
icharge.Config("ExPayGetMethods"); //This makes the request to the server
//Navigate the response
int paymentMethodCount = Convert.ToInt32(icharge.Config("XChildrenCount"));
for (int i = 1; i <= paymentMethodCount; i++)
//Navigate to the current method
icharge.Config("XPath=/json/response/methods/[" + i + "]");
int currentMethodElementCount = Convert.ToInt32(icharge.Config("XChildrenCount"));
//Output the first level element names and values.
//This includes the name and id of the payment service such as "PayPal"
for (int j = 1; j <= currentMethodElementCount; j++)
icharge.Config("XPath=/json/response/methods/[" + i + "]/[" + j + "]");
string name = icharge.Config("XElement");
string value = icharge.Config("XText");
Console.WriteLine(i + ": " + name + ": " + value);
Note that you may also output the raw response value to see the entire JSON response structure like so:
//Output the complete response
AuthOnly (initialize payment)
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwExPay;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your Payee Id Key
icharge.MerchantLogin = "1f3fa99a-15e3-4284-b498-d1eb1c3c2222";
//This is your Payee Secret Key
//Set the Id of the payment service found from ExPayGetMethods
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionId = "ABCD1234";
//Get the URL to which the customer should be redirected to complete the payment
string redirectURL = icharge.GetResponseVar("/response/attributes/[1]/value");
//Save transaction values for use with ExPayGetStatus
string ExPayPaymentId = icharge.GetResponseVar("/json/response/id");
string TransactionId = icharge.GetResponseVar("/response/order");
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwExPay;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your Payee Id Key
icharge.MerchantLogin = "1f3fa99a-15e3-4284-b498-d1eb1c3c2222";
//This is your Payee Secret Key
//Set ExPayPaymentId or TransactionId
//icharge.TransactionId = "ABCD1234";
icharge.Config("ExPayGetStatus"); //This makes the request to the server
if(icharge.Response.Code == 205)
//Payment was successfully completed
Fast Transact
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwFastTransact;
//This is your 12 digit merchant or agent account number
//For testing you may use 110006559149
icharge.MerchantLogin = "110006559149";
//MerchantPassword is not used
icharge.MerchantPassword = "";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 11;
icharge.Card.Number = "5454545454545454";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
First Atlantic Commerce
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwFirstAtlantic;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";//Test URL
//This is your Merchant Id (FACID)
icharge.MerchantLogin = "44400111";
//This is your processing password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "A5cVe13h";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 17;
icharge.Card.Number = "5454545454545454";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FullName = "John Smith";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
//InvoiceNumber must be a unique value
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
//TransactionAmount is represented as cents with now decimal point.
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
Global Iris
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwGlobalIris;
icharge.MerchantLogin = "username";
//This is the secret key assigned to you
icharge.MerchantPassword = "secretkey";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4263971921001307";
icharge.Card.CVVIndicator = TCVVIndicators.cvPresent;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "234";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "200";
Icharge icharge = new Icharge();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwGlobalOnePay;
icharge.Config("TerminalId=33001"); // Public test terminal
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 21;
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111"; // Visa Test card
icharge.Card.CVVData = "214";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = new Random().Next(999999).ToString();
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.23";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test";
Global Payroll
Icharge icharge = new Icharge();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwGlobalPayroll;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your API Username
icharge.MerchantLogin = "demo";
//This is your API Password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
//This is your Client ID
icharge.AddSpecialField("ClientID", "1009");
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 10;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 25;
icharge.Card.Number = "4222222222222222";
//This will return a CVV Match response
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
//This will return a AVS Match response
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "123456789";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Sale Test";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "10.00";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwGoToBilling;
//This is your 6 digit MID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "123456";
//This is your 6 digit PIN
icharge.MerchantPassword = "123456";
icharge.TestMode = true;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 11;
icharge.Card.Number = "5454545454545454";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwHeartland;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL =
//This is your Username
icharge.MerchantLogin = "Username";
//This is your Password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "Password";
//Required. This is issued by Heartland during registration.
//Required. This is issued by Heartland during registration.
//Required. This is issued by Heartland during registration.
icharge.InvoiceNumber = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
icharge.Card.Number = "4012002000060016";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2025;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Customer.Address = "6860 Dallas Pkwy";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "750241234";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwHSBC;
//This is the User ID for your account.
icharge.MerchantLogin = "userId";
//This is the Password for your User ID
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
//This gets set to the Client Id property
//Note you must set the CurrencyCode to the type of currency
//that is set on your merchant account. By default, "840" is
//set, which is USD. Most accounts will be "826" for Pounds Sterling.
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 10;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "5554321";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwInnovative;
//This is your username
icharge.MerchantLogin = "username";
//This is your password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
//This will force Innovative to always return an approval for testing.
icharge.AddSpecialField("test_override_errors", "true");
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 11;
icharge.Card.Number = "4242 4242 4242 4242";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwITransact;
//This is your Vendor ID.
//Use the randomly generated UID value or your Gateway ID.
icharge.MerchantLogin = "17625";
//MerchantPassword is not used
icharge.MerchantPassword = "";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "5454545454545454";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwJetPay;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//TerminalID, assigned by JetPay LLC
//TESTMERCHANT is a public test account for JetPay.
icharge.MerchantLogin = "TESTMERCHANT";
//TransactionID is required for this gateway.
//String, exactly 18 characters long, which contains a unique value."
icharge.TransactionID = "MyTestID1234567890";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4000300020001000";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwKartePay;
// MerchantID, assigned by KartePay.
icharge.MerchantLogin = "MerchantID";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Card.Number = "4222222222222";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2018;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "456";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Doe";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Main St.";
icharge.Customer.City = "Mountain View";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Id = "1";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "1234567890";
icharge.TransactionId = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
// These configs MUST be set to real values.
icharge.Config("BankName=Wells Fargo");
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwLandmark;
icharge.MerchantLogin = "Username";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "Password";
//Note: All other test transaction amounts result in a decline
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Card.Number = "4222222222222";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Doe";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Main St.";
icharge.Customer.City = "Mountain View";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.Id = "65645";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
icharge.TransactionId = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
icharge.AddSpecialField ("Company", "swsdemo");
LinkPoint, YourPay, FirstData
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwLinkPoint;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your Store Number
icharge.MerchantLogin = "1909977744";
//MerchantPassword is not used. Instead a SSL client certificate is used.
icharge.SSLCert = new Certificate(CertStoreTypes.cstPEMKeyFile,
"..\\..\\files\\linkpoint.pem", "", "*");
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 12;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111-1111-1111-1111";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.TransactionId = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
icharge.InvoiceNumber = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
icharge.TransactionAmount = "10.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
Note: YourPay, LinkPoint and FirstData all use the same implementation.
Litle / Vantiv
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwLitle;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
icharge.MerchantLogin = "user";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
//This is your MerchantId and is required.
icharge.Card.Number = "4012002000060016";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2025;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln.";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "TestTrans"; //Required
icharge.InvoiceNumber = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
Mercadotecnia, Ideas y Tecnologia (MIT)
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwMIT;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your user name
icharge.MerchantLogin = "User";
//This is the user password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "Password";
//Special Fields required for this gateway:
//These values will be provided by the gateway
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "5454545454545454";
icharge.Card.CVVIndicator = TCVVIndicators.cvPresent;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "234";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
Merchant Anywhere
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwMerchantAnywhere;
//This is your Merchant Number/ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "10000";
//This is the RegKey field which is your Security Key
icharge.MerchantPassword = "Security Key";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 10;
icharge.Card.Number = "4012888888881881";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
Merchant e-Solutions
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwMerchantESolutions;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL =
//This is your Profile ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "00000000000000000000";
//This is your Merchant Key
icharge.MerchantPassword = "gvQz...qxjf";
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 1;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2012;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Customer.Zip ="99212";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Test st";
icharge.Customer.Id= "1234";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "12345";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwMetrobank;
//This is your Merchant ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "TEST000000000000";
//This is your Access Code
icharge.MerchantPassword = "00000000";
//This is your Hash secret
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 1;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2021;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
icharge.TransactionId = "54321";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "12345";
Moneris / Moneris USA
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwMoneris; //Canadian.
//icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwMonerisUSA; //USA.
//Canadian Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//USA Test URL
//icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your DirectPost ID / Store ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "aaaaaa002";
//This is your DirectPost Token/Key
icharge.MerchantPassword = "dp key";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
Note: In your account online make sure that you have selected the option “Displayed as key/value pairs on our server” under the “DirectPost Response Methods” section in the “DirectPost Config” area.
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwMonetra;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is the Username for your Monetra account.
icharge.MerchantLogin = "test_ecomm:public";
//This is the Password for your Monetra account.
icharge.MerchantPassword = "publ1ct3st";
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 10;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 16;
//999 is the only acceptable value in the test environment
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "123456";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Sale Test";
//$6.99 is the only acceptable amount in the test environment
icharge.TransactionAmount = "6.99";
icharge.Customer.Address = "5800 NW 39th AVE";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "32606";
//CardHolder's Full Name
icharge.Customer.FullName = "John Doe";
Converge / MyVirtualMerchant
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwMyVirtualMerchant;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL =
//This is your ssl_merchant_id.
//Sometimes called Account ID or Virtual Merchant Id
icharge.MerchantLogin = "000000";
//This is your ssl_pin
icharge.MerchantPassword = "444444";
//This is your ssl_user_id
icharge.AddSpecialField("ssl_test_mode", "true");
//When this field is set to TRUE, transactions will not be forwarded to the
//credit card processor, but instead will always return an ?APPROVED? result.
icharge.TransactionId = "1234";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Country = "USA";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "123456";
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 1;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
Note: Prior to version 6, to specify the Merchant User ID you must use the AddSpecialField method to manually add the ssl_user_id field. For instance: icharge.AddSpecialField(“ssl_user_id”, “MY_USER”);
//Note: Netbanx is a part of Optimal Payments
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwNetbanx;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your store ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "STORE_ID";
//This is your store password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "PASSWORD";
//This is your account number
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.08";
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2015;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "Test";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Customer";
icharge.Customer.FullName = "Test Customer";
icharge.Customer.Address = "2350 Date Palm";
icharge.Customer.City = "Cathedral City";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "92234";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-123-4567";
Network Merchants
Icharge icharge = new Icharge();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwNetworkMerchants;
icharge.MerchantLogin = "demo";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 21;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.Country = "840";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwOrbital;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your Merchant ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "000000000000";
//This is your BIN
icharge.MerchantPassword = "000002";
//The following values are applicable for some customers
//This is your Test ID
//This is your Test Password
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4012888888881";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
Note: The default TerminalId value is “001”. This can be changed by setting the TerminalId configuration setting: icharge.Config(“TerminalId=002”);
Payeezy / First Data E4
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwFirstDataE4;
//This is your Gateway ID (ExactID). This number is of the format Axxxxx-xx
icharge.MerchantLogin = "A12345-67";
//This is your Password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
//This is your Key ID
//This is your HMAC Key
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 11;
icharge.Card.Number = "5454545454545454";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00"quot;;
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPayFlowLink;
//This is your Login (LOGIN field)
icharge.MerchantLogin = "login";
//This is your Password (PWD field)
icharge.MerchantPassword = "pwd";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPayFlowPro;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your Vendor name
icharge.MerchantLogin = "yourLogin";
//This is your Password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
//If you have a User defined that is different from your Vendor/Login
//icharge.AddSpecialField("USER", "User1");
//This is the Partner field. By default it is PayPal.
//icharge.SpecialFields[1].Value = "VeriSign";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4222222222222";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
//unique ID corresponds to REQUEST_ID field
icharge.TransactionId = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPayLeap;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL =
//This is your UserName
icharge.MerchantLogin = "username";
//This is your Password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 1;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 12;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.FullName = "John Smith";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln.";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "123456";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPayscape;
//This is your username. For testing you may use "demo".
icharge.MerchantLogin = "demo";
//This is your password. For testing you may use "password".
icharge.MerchantPassword = "password";
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 17;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.Country = "840";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100"; //Amount is specified in cents.
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPayTrace;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
icharge.TestMode = true;
//Username provided by PayTrace
icharge.MerchantLogin = "Username";
//Password provided by PayTrace
icharge.MerchantPassword = "Password";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Card.Number = "4000009999999991";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "907";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPayvision;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//Member Id assigned by Payvision
icharge.MerchantLogin = "1001234";
//Member GUID assigned by Payvision
icharge.MerchantPassword = "AAA6FA6B-9F12-4476-7ABC-B925DD6D4384";
icharge.Card.Number = "4907639999990022";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 16;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "111";
icharge.Customer.Address = "8800 Central Dr.";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "75251";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "5.00";
icharge.TransactionId = GenerateTransactionId();
icharge.InvoiceNumber = icharge.TransactionId;
string ResponseTxnId = icharge.Response.TransactionId;
//Transaction GUID is used for Capture, Refund, and Void transactions. Save this from the response.
string TxnGUID = icharge.Config("PayvisionTransactionGUID");
//When performing a Void, Capture, or Refund specify PayvisionTransactionGUID
icharge.Config("PayvisionTransactionGUID=" + TxnGUID);
Icharge icharge = new Icharge();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPayWiser;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your API Key
icharge.MerchantLogin = "YourAPIKey";
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2021;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.FullName = "John Smith";
//This are required fields
icharge.AddSpecialField("BuyerIP", "");
icharge.AddSpecialField("TerminalIP", "");
icharge.Config("TerminalID=Test Terminal");
icharge.TransactionId = "11111";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "Test Invoice";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Description";
//This configuration setting is also required
icharge.Config("DynamicDescriptor=Sale Test");
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPhoeniXGate;
//This is your UserName
icharge.MerchantLogin = "UserName";
//This is your Password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "Password";
icharge.Card.Number = "4788250000028291";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 18;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "111";
icharge.TestMode = true;
icharge.Customer.FullName = "John Smith";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Main St";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "11111";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "123456";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
PlanetPayment iPay
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPlanetPayment;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This corresponds to the REQUEST KEY value.
//It is your assigned processing account number (COMPANY_KEY)
icharge.MerchantLogin = "8990";
//This is your 4 digit PIN or Encryption Key
icharge.MerchantPassword = "1234";
//This is your TERMINAL_ID
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Card.Number = "4000009999999991";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "907";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "cc1";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPlugNPay;
//This is your UserName
icharge.MerchantLogin = "pnpdemo";
//This is your Password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "pnpdemo";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
Priority Payment Systems
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPriorityPaymentSystems;
// Set TestMode to true to send requests to the sandbox environment.
icharge.TestMode = true;
// Priority Payment Systems requires a username, password, and merchant Id.
icharge.MerchantLogin = "YOUR_USERNAME";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
// Test card.
icharge.Card.Number = "4242424242424242";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 10;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 25;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
// Customer information.
icharge.Customer.FullName = "Fake Person";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Address2 = "Apt 999";
icharge.Customer.City = "Chapel Hill";
icharge.Customer.State = "NC";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "77777";
icharge.Customer.Country = "USA";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "1234567890";
// The following properties/special fields can be used to hold whatever data you want.
icharge.Customer.Id = "0987654321";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "TESTTEST"; // 8 character limit.
icharge.AddSpecialField("clientReference", "246810";
icharge.AddSpecialField("meta", "This is a test!");
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwProPay;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is the value of your certStr
icharge.MerchantLogin = "certStrValue";
//MerchantPassword is not used
icharge.MerchantPassword = "";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100"; //Amount is specified in cents.
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Fake St";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "22222";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Card.Number = "4747474747474747";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Customer.FullName = "John Doe";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "123456";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPSIGate;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//Live URL
//icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your Store Key/Merchant ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "merchantcardcapture200024";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 11;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "12346";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwPSIGateXML;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your Store ID
icharge.MerchantLogin = "teststore";
//This is your Passphrase
icharge.MerchantPassword = "psigate1234";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 11;
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
QuickBooks Merchant Services (QBMS)
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwQBMS;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your Application Login
icharge.MerchantLogin = "app login";
//This is your Connection Ticket
icharge.MerchantPassword = "connection ticket";
icharge.TransactionId = "3242343";
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2025;
icharge.TransactionAmount = "10.00";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln.";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.TransactionId = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
QuickBooks Payments
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwQBPayments;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
icharge.MerchantLogin = "OAuth 2.0 Access token"; // Replace with your access token
icharge.TransactionAmount = "10.55";
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2020;
icharge.TransactionId = "1234"; // Should be a unique transation Id
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwRepay;
//This is your UserName
icharge.MerchantLogin = "Username";
//This is your Password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "Password";
icharge.Card.Number = "4788250000028291";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 18;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "111";
icharge.TestMode = true;
icharge.Customer.FullName = "John Smith";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Main St";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "11111";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "123456";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwSagePay;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//Test account is a public test account
//If you are getting invalid IP, you need to add your IP
//Login here (testvendor for all creds)
icharge.MerchantLogin = "testvendor";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "testvendor";
icharge.Card.Number = "4929000000006";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 01;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Doe";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "MyCity";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "55555555";
icharge.ShippingInfo.FirstName = icharge.Customer.FirstName;
icharge.ShippingInfo.LastName = icharge.Customer.LastName;
icharge.ShippingInfo.Address = icharge.Customer.Address;
icharge.ShippingInfo.City = icharge.Customer.City;
icharge.ShippingInfo.Zip = icharge.Customer.Zip;
icharge.ShippingInfo.Country = icharge.Customer.Country;
icharge.ShippingInfo.State = icharge.Customer.State; // Optional
icharge.ShippingInfo.Phone = icharge.Customer.Phone; // Optional
icharge.InvoiceNumber = randomClass.Next().ToString();
icharge.TransactionId = randomClass.Next().ToString();
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Stuff";
Sage Payment Solutions
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwSagePayments;
//no test url for Sage Payments
icharge.MerchantLogin = "************";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "************";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Fake Street";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.Country = "USA";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-1234";
icharge.Customer.Fax = "555-555-4321";
icharge.Customer.Id = "123456";
icharge.Card.Number = "5499740000000057";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 1;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 15;
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "inv" + randomClass.Next(1000);
icharge.TransactionAmount = "6.00";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwShift4;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
// Login info
icharge.MerchantLogin = "Merchant Id";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "Access Token";
// General info
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "123456";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "10.55";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Card.Number = "4321000000001119";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "333";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 20;
icharge.Customer.Address = "890 Kifer Rd";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "89000";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwSkipjack;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL =
//This is your 12 digit serial number
icharge.MerchantLogin = "000111222333";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 11;
icharge.Card.Number = "4242 4242 4242 4242";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
Icharge icharge = new Icharge();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwSterling;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is your SecureNet ID and Secure Key
icharge.MerchantLogin = "YourLogin";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "YourPassword";
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 21;
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "testinvoice";
icharge.TestMode = true;
icharge.TransactionAmount = "123.45";
icharge.TransactionId = "APP12345";
Debug.WriteLine(icharge.Response.Approved ? "Transaction Approved" : "Transaction Declined" + icharge.Response.ErrorText);
This API has been deprecated, and Square has announce plans to discontinue it on September 1st 2021. For their new API, use Square Payments instead.
Icharge icharge = new Icharge();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwSquare;
//This your API Key
icharge.MerchantLogin = "YOUR API KEY";
// Square also requires that you set a location Id for all ICharge requests, and
// a unique idempotency key for each Sale/Auth-Only/Refund request. Refer to the
// Square documentation ( for more information.
icharge.Config("SquareLocationId=YOUR LOCATION ID");
icharge.Config("SquareIdempotencyKey=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks);
// The ICharge component can only be used to charge a transaction with a card
// nonce that is already generated via Square's payment form. The following is
// a test card nonce from
// Alternatively, a Square customer card Id can be used instead of a card nonce.
// In this case, a Square customer Id must also be specified. This will cause the
// card on file in the specified customer profile to be used as the payment method.
// (Just keep in mind: If a card nonce is specified using the CardToken config, it
// will *always* take precedence over a customer card Id!)
// Note that you can specify a customer Id anytime...
icharge.Customer.Id = "fake-customer-id-ok";
// ...But you *must* specify a customer Id in order to use a customer card Id.
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "Fake";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Person";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Address2 = "Apt 999";
icharge.Customer.City = "Chapel Hill";
icharge.Customer.State = "NC";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "27517";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.ShippingInfo.FirstName = "Unreal";
icharge.ShippingInfo.LastName = "Human";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Address = "456 WhereAmI Dr";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Address2 = "Apt 0";
icharge.ShippingInfo.City = "Secret";
icharge.ShippingInfo.State = "NC";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Zip = "77777";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Country = "US";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234567";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "test";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100"; //100 means $1.00
Square Payments
Icharge icharge = new Icharge();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwSquare;
//This your API Key
icharge.MerchantLogin = "YOUR API KEY";
// Square also requires that you set a unique idempotency key for each
// Sale/Auth-Only/Refund request. Refer to the Square documentation
// ( for more information.
icharge.Config("SquareIdempotencyKey=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks);
// The ICharge component can only be used to charge a transaction with a card
// nonce that is already generated via Square's payment form. The following is
// a test card nonce from
// Alternatively, a Square customer card Id can be used instead of a card nonce.
// In this case, a Square customer Id must also be specified. This will cause the
// card on file in the specified customer profile to be used as the payment method.
// Note that you can specify a customer Id anytime...
icharge.Customer.Id = "fake-customer-id-ok";
// ...But you *must* specify a customer Id in order to use a customer card Id.
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "Fake";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Person";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Address2 = "Apt 999";
icharge.Customer.City = "Chapel Hill";
icharge.Customer.State = "NC";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "27517";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.ShippingInfo.FirstName = "Unreal";
icharge.ShippingInfo.LastName = "Human";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Address = "456 WhereAmI Dr";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Address2 = "Apt 0";
icharge.ShippingInfo.City = "Secret";
icharge.ShippingInfo.State = "NC";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Zip = "77777";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Country = "US";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234567";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "test";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100"; //100 means $1.00
Icharge icharge = new Icharge();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwStripe;
// No Test URL for this Gateway
//This is your API Key
icharge.MerchantLogin = "Your API Key";
// No merchant passowrd for this Gateway
icharge.Card.Number = "4111111111111111";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2021;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Config("DynamicDescriptor=/n software tests");
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "AuthOnly Test";
//Customer Information
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Doe";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Address2 = "Ste 200";
icharge.Customer.City = "Chapel Hill";
icharge.Customer.State = "NC";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "27716";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "9199197993";
//Shipping Information
icharge.ShippingInfo.FirstName = "John";
icharge.ShippingInfo.LastName = "Doe";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Phone = "123 456 7891";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Address = "600 Market St";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Address2 = "Ste 300";
icharge.ShippingInfo.City = "Chapel Hill";
icharge.ShippingInfo.State = "NC";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Zip = "27516";
icharge.ShippingInfo.Country = "US";
//Metadata information can be passed using the AddSpecialField method
icharge.AddSpecialField("TestName1", "TestValue1");
icharge.AddSpecialField("TestName2", "TestValue2");
icharge.AddSpecialField("TestName3", "TestValue3");
TransNational Bankcard
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwTransNationalBankcard;
//This is Username and Password provided by TransNational
icharge.MerchantLogin = "0123456789";
icharge.MerchantPassword = "ABCDE12345";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 1;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 14;
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwUSAePay;
//This is your UMKey/source key
icharge.MerchantLogin = "1oJ62F...6Yn9J22";
//MerchantPassword is not used
icharge.MerchantPassword = "";
// If a pin is associated with your source, send it with this config.
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 2;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 21;
icharge.Card.Number = "4005562233445564";
icharge.Customer.Address = "1234 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.Id = "CUSTOMER1";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "555-555-5555";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test Transaction";
Icharge icharge = new Icharge();
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwVeritas;
// No Test URL for this Gateway
//This is your ActivationKey
icharge.MerchantLogin = "ActivationKey";
icharge.Config("VeritasBankName=Bank of China");
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 11;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 21;
icharge.Card.Number = "4311111111111111";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Doe";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 San Andres";
icharge.Customer.City = "Makati City";
icharge.Customer.State = "Metro Manila";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "1227";
icharge.Customer.Country = "PHL";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "09151234567";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1.00";
icharge.TransactionId = "111820161146";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Sale Transaction";
Worldpay Online
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwWorldpayOnline;
icharge.MerchantLogin = "[Your service key]";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 11;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2025;
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.Card.CVVData = "123";
icharge.Customer.FullName = "John Doe";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Some Street";
icharge.Customer.Address2 = "Apt 456";
icharge.Customer.City = "Chapel Hill";
icharge.Customer.State = "NC";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "12345";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "0123456789";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "/n software test";
icharge.AddSpecialField("orderCodePrefix", "nsoft_");
icharge.AddSpecialField("orderCodeSuffix", "_test");
icharge.TransactionAmount = "100"; // $1.00
WorldPay XML
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwWorldPayXML;
//Test URL
icharge.GatewayURL =
//This is your Merchant Code
icharge.MerchantLogin = "MerchantCode";
//This is your Merchant Password
icharge.MerchantPassword = "MerchantPassword";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 1;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2020;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Card.Number = "4444333322221111";
icharge.TransactionDesc = "Test transaction";
icharge.Customer.FullName = "J.J. Smith";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "John";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "Smith";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.City = "Beverly Hills";
icharge.Customer.State = "CA";
icharge.Customer.Country = "US";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "125"; ;
icharge.InvoiceNumber = "1234567890123460" + icharge.TransactionAmount;
icharge.Gateway = IchargeGateways.gwYKC;
icharge.GatewayURL = "";
//This is the cliid value
icharge.MerchantLogin = "g-0000000";
icharge.Card.Number = "4263982640269299";
icharge.Card.ExpMonth = 4;
icharge.Card.ExpYear = 2012;
icharge.Card.CardType = TCardTypes.ctVisa;
icharge.Card.CVVData = "999";
icharge.Customer.Id = "0000";
icharge.Customer.Address = "123 Nowhere Ln";
icharge.Customer.Zip = "90210";
icharge.Customer.Country = "840";
icharge.Customer.Email = "";
icharge.Customer.Phone = "11111111111";
icharge.Customer.FirstName = "FirstName";
icharge.Customer.LastName = "LastName";
icharge.TransactionAmount = "1";
icharge.TransactionId = "A Unique ID";